As personal Internet connections became cheaper and faster, people started to spend more and more time on the Internet. Upon noticing this behavior, marketers began building company websites and advertising via various methods on the Internet. Unfortunate results for the individual user include spam mail, unwanted redirections, and a contribution to the spread of computer viruses.
In the past few years, a new phenomenon called social media came into the forefront, enticing even the non-Internet-savvy to earn the rudiments just to join in the fun. The term refers to sites and services that allow people to connect to other people to share their thoughts via multimedia, or just to share stuff they find. These personal data webs provide a constant stream of data from the people one connects with, leading to the term “social network”.
Social networking provides opportunities to connect with people you would ordinarily not have a chance to meet. You could connect with just old friends and family, expand it to include acquaintances, or just go with connecting with as many people as you want. Now, some people got it into their heads that large groups of people plus information feeds equals potential for marketing, and so marketing via social media like Twitter and Facebook is the new “in” thing.
Even those who do not actually produce products or offer services can advertise in this manner on the behalf of companies that actually do. Commissions are garnered from sales and even just referrals to particular websites. Some people are so good at this that they actually take hanging about on such sites as full-time jobs, with full-time incomes.
The concepts are simple: start an account, prepare a profile, get connected to as many people as you can, and you are good to go. There are a few bumps along the way though, and corresponding secrets to getting past them. Such secrets, one would think, would be profitable advantages and thus not likely to be revealed by those in the know. Nonetheless, there are those in the know who want to share their secrets as to how to make money using social media.
Another great thing about these services is the option to decline connections to marketers’ profiles. You can choose to decline an invitation to connect, thus freeing you from the often inane updates and ads. This is great for the rights of the individual user, for those who are not inclined towards the idea of intrusive marketing. There are many people like this, people who feel that marketing degrades the overall experience. If you want to advertise via these networking services, make sure that you can respect the individual’s choices. Do not pressure or nag them with repeated invites, this can only get you in trouble.
Getting started on these social media networks is simple and easy, but if you seriously want to undertake advertising with such methods, you will need a few things. First, you need the know-how from experts, and secondly, you need a product or service to sell. Luck favors the prepared, so make it happen for yourself and get started earning money for
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Make It a Great Day!
Sotiris Bassakaropoulos
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