Dr. John Demartini, THE SECRET, and Transforming the World
A One on One Interview
Part I
On November 2nd Dr John Demartini appeared as a panel guest on The Larry King Show called “Beyond Positive Thinking.” In a highly simplified explanation the panel discussed how people could truly alter their reality through techniques presented in the world-wide film phenomena, The Secret. Saying that these techniques are based upon true science and not fantasy, the panelists discussed the notion that each person has the scientifically proven ability to alter their physical, mental and emotional reality in order to manifest their own desires. From curing diseases, finding soul-mates, the perfect job to attaining wealth, no aspect of one’s life is beyond the capacity of the mind, with the help of the Universe, to manifest its desires. The show was a success; a second show was presented on November16th and subsequent shows on the same topic have been planned.
Read more on Dr John Demartini, The Secret And Transformation…