Internet marketing advice seems the web is replete with it.
People are clamoring over one another to be seen and heard first with the latest and greatest technique or tool.
Not only that you have people trying to convince you they are the guru and don’t have the proof or knowledge to back it up.
You have attraction marketing systems telling their students to set themselves up as the expert. That even though you have only been in this one day that’s one more day than the next guy.
Now is that good advice?
It would seem that internet marketing advice can be found just about anywhere so what do you do?
Another example I was on a forum the other day and was looking through some threads to comment on.
I came across a “newbie needs help” and I thought I would respond this is a great way to share your knowledge and help others a little further down the rung than you.
So what kind of advice was he seeking? He had put together some training modules but didn’t know how to market them??
Isn’t that a bit like putting the cart before the horse? I am not trying to be condescending but what exactly will you train me to do if not market?
Yes there are technical skills that are not market related but the end of these skills to is to help the marketing effort.
So where do you turn for internet marketing advice that really works?
Well I guess you have to determine what kind of internet marketing advice you need.
How to create a website?
How to set up an autoresponder?
How to generate traffic?
How to do keyword research?
Or what are some other topics you could use internet marketing advice on?
Now what if I told you there is a place you can learn all these skills and a whole lot more in one place.
Not only that but this service offers free hosting and a free link cloaking software that tracks clicks your on links.
Not only that but it also offers you a free eBook that will show you how to create your first website absolutely free.
So all you have to do is click on the link below and come to a place you can get internet marketing advice that really works.
Steve Shoemaker is an internet marketer tired of listening to people selling b.s. why don’t we try to help people first and that will help us in the long run.
So want to get internet marketing advice that works you really should click that link. Or click here for more selections.
Thanks for reading,
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